Saturday, October 6, 2012

Don't get too close!

This was our massive bonfire. Unfortunately the evening was extremely windy so when we tried to get close to the fire to warm ourselves (it was also quite chilly) we had to be super careful because sometimes the wind would rapidly change directions and if you were sitting too close to the fire you might lose your eyebrows. Some of us soon developed a new method of keeping warm that we called the "pod" and we used the pod on several occasions in Dongbei. Basically we would huddle together in a circle like little penguins with our faces all in the center. The inside of the pod became warm and our backs blocked the wind. If we had enough people we could create an inner circle and an outer circle, rotating people in and out of the circles so everyone took a turn facing the elements. The pod was particularly useful the day we woke to see the sunrise on the grasslands. That morning everybody regretted not bringing proper winter clothing on the trip, but we didn't lose anyone to frost bite so that is a bonus.

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