Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Inside a Yurt

Welcome to my humble abode. If someone were trying to sell a yurt there is a lot they could say. For instance, they could mention that these yurts come equipped with electric lights and outlets for heating pads (non of which are functioning properly). Or you could mention that each yurt also has a bathroom (with a freestanding toilet not connected to any sort of plumbing system). It would be wise to point out the design of a yurt is meant to keep its inhabitant cozy warm during any season on the grasslands (but fail to mention that actual Mongolian yurts were covered inside and out in insulating fur, something that these yurts lacked). The yurts also have doors (that only open when coaxed--except in the middle of the night when they will open without the slightest touch, and only close when firmly kicked)! And if you purchase your yurt now we can guarantee that it won't be built on a sloping hill so you surely will not slowly slide off your cot and onto a concrete floor at 3:00am (oh, wait those are not available). Basically a yurt is the perfect home for any family, so you should totally look into buying one right now.

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